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EuroCreditBank weight= Print


Account number, currency, current balance for each account and the date of last refresh, are displayed.

To renew information about accounts, check the account you wish to view and press refresh. .

To view an extract of all the information about the current account as well as transfers and details, click the desired account number.



Menu extracted outputs all information about a selected account on a separate table that can be easily printed.

Select the appropriate account, select the desired period of time (extract date / week / month, or select the period you require below) and press the View extract.


My bank's requisites
This displays information that is necessary to make transfers. Requisites for the receipt in the bank in Moldova and to receive cash from abroad in foreign currency.
But it is possible to receive money without opening the current account. You do not have to have access to a bank account to open a current account to recieve money transfered from abroad, in this case you need to indicate the personal code of passport (instead of account number).