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EuroCreditBank weight= Print


The payments mechanism
The system of payments is designed to use templates, creating templates for service providers that are in partnership with BC EuroCreditBank SA.
During the editing of the template, the client must specify an account number in the company that provides the service. After you save the template, you have access to the payment-bill for the according company.

Some service providers, such as "Union Fenosa" will send invoice payment order which will appear in Telebank.Md system.
It is possible to pay the bills in an automated manner (TELEBANK-AUTOPAY (Constant orders)), configuring it to make payments in the day of the month you specify on the website.

The system also provides the ability to transmit readings of gas and water meters.

Attention! The Payment for services is made only through the customer current accounts, payment services from card accounts is not possible.

Payment for services providers that are not in the list of suppliers (those which don’t have contracts with BC EuroCreditBank SA) can be carried out using registration of bank payment order from the menu payments and transfers

. CreateTemplate

Payment templates

Examples of templates:

sun moldtelecom infocom infosarp gaz union-fenosa orange moldcell maxdsl suninternet salubritate apa-canal star

In order to see the specimen for payment order click (?)


In your “Personal Account” you should indicate the number of personal account (contract number, phone number) of the company/ or organization that renders respective utilities for you. As a rule, personal account, contract number, and phone number are specified in the notice/ or order. In “First name” and “Last name” you should complete with the first and last name of the personal account holder or its phone number (full name of the beneficiary).

Personal account for INFOCOM you’ll find in bill, under the left table. For details, please call our operator Telebank.MD, 500-200.